t: 01904 784847 e: campaigning@juliansturdy.co.uk
Julian Sturdy - Strong Voice for York Outer

Julian Sturdy

Conservative Party Candidate for York Outer
Any reference to Julian Sturdy being a Member of Parliament on this website predates the dissolution of Parliament and the 2024 General Election campaign

Latest News & Campaigns

York Press column: All action ahead of Easter

York Press column: All action ahead of Easter

It has been a jam-packed couple of weeks since my last column where I had an opportunity to reflect on the Chancellor’s Budget. I want to begin by highlighting the fantastic news that inflation has dropped to 3.4 per cent – the lowest in two and a half years. When the Prime Minister came to

Julian works with Parkinson’s UK

This week in Parliament, Julian had a really positive meeting with Laura from Parkinson’s...

Julian meets with Minister to discuss Renters (Reform) Bill

Alongside Andy Simpson of York Residential Lettings Association, Julian met with Jacob Young MP...

Julian supports Dogs Trust plea to end puppy smuggling

Julian has pledged his support on the issue of puppy smuggling today at a...

Julian speaks at Copmanthorpe Level Crossing inquiry

October 17, 2023

On behalf of constituents in Copmanthorpe and Bishopthorpe, Julian gave evidence at an inquiry into the potential closure of Copmanthorpe’s level crossing.

As part of the multimillion pound upgrades to the Transpennine route, trains will now travel at greater speeds resulting in quicker journey times for passengers. For this reason, Network Rail has deemed the level crossing at Copmanthorpe unsafe and not fit for the future.

Their proposed solution includes relocating the crossing and installing a stepped footbridge. While the relocation of the crossing may be necessary, Julian has received significant correspondence from residents objecting to a stepped footbridge as well as strong representations from the Parish Council and ward councillor Chris Steward. The inquiry concludes this week and has heard representations from Copmanthorpe Parish Council, City of York Council and York Disability Forum among others.

Outside the inquiry, Julian met the Minister of Rail, Huw Merriman MP, to raise concerns about Network Rail excluding residents with their choice of railway infrastructure and not using their budgets to make long term decisions.

Speaking after the inquiry, Julian said:

“Not only are the current proposals exclusionary but also incredibly short sighted. It is inevitable when an active travel route is commissioned between Bishopthorpe and Copmanthorpe that the bridge will be upgraded to a ramped bridge to allow for easier access for cyclists.

“Rather than save now and spend more later, Network Rail should install the necessary infrastructure first time. I await the outcome of the inquiry and will continue to work with stakeholders in the community to ensure the views of the villages are heard.”