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Julian Sturdy - Strong Voice for York Outer

Julian Sturdy

Conservative Party Candidate for York Outer
Any reference to Julian Sturdy being a Member of Parliament on this website predates the dissolution of Parliament and the 2024 General Election campaign

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Julian Highlights Need for Ring Road Upgrades in Transport Infrastructure Debate

September 7, 2016

Yesterday, Julian hosted a debate in Parliament on transport infrastructure in York. During this debate he raised a number of matters including, Trans Pennine Rail services, HS2, and developing Haxby Railway Station but focused his attention on the need for dualling on York’s Outer Ring Road (A1237).

Since his election in 2010 Julian has campaigned for the A1237 to be dualled in order to ease congestion between Poppleton and Hopgrove roundabout, an upgrade which is desperately needed. In the debate, Julian made clear that a well-functioning Northern Ring Road would ease traffic pressures on the city centre and through villages to the North of York.

In his speech Julian said, “the number of vehicles using the A1237 has increased substantially over the past decade, and since 2012 there has been a 10 per cent increase in journeys on the road. There is no longer a ‘peak’ period as severe congestion persists throughout the entire day. The current average journey time, from the Hopgrove roundabout to Askham Bryan, is over 30 minutes, meaning this ‘National Speed Limit’ road has an average syeapeed of less than 20mph.

“Simply put, the congestion on York’s Outer Ring Road is acting as a noose on the city – it is choking growth and disincentivising inward investment. York is a great place to do business and it is in a prime position to lead a regional economic surge at the heart of Yorkshire, and we cannot let poor transport infrastructure stand in the way of this great opportunity.”

Responding, the Minister of State at the Department for Transport, John Hayes MP, acknowledged the wider impact of congestion on the A1237 and “its effect on East Yorkshire and other parts of that important county.” Mr Hayes addressed the point made by Julian about the importance of good transport infrastructure particularly in relation to new housing developments, saying he had “made an important point about housing development and I do think, bluntly, that we as a government need to do more in coordinating policy.”

The Minister added that, “The important relationship between infrastructure investment and population growth does need to be part of our thinking, and he has described that powerfully today in respect of his own constituency, so I acknowledge the point that we need to think laterally and we need to think strategically.” The Transport Minister also acknowledged the City of York Council’s £1m bid to the Local Majors Fund to prepare the business case for dualling the A1237.

Widening the debate to include railway infrastructure, Julian stated that there was a compelling economic case for reopening Haxby station and made clear he would be “shouting from the hilltops” to ensure that York is not bypassed when the Government comes to look more seriously at extending HS2 beyond Manchester and Leeds.